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Anode carbon block


Anode carbon block is made of petr舊草oleum coke and asphalt coke a討子s aggregate and coal asphalt畫土 as binder, which is used as姐上 anode material for pre-baked al樹水uminum electrolytic cell. Thi商知s kind of carbon block has been roast子費ed and has stable geome
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       Anode c草放arbon block is made of們在 petroleum coke and Pit錯從ch coke as aggregate and coal tar p現去itch as binder, which is used as a紅民node material for pre-ba金如ked aluminum electrolytic cell. T風了his kind of carbon b工冷lock has been roasted and has stable g錢愛eometry, so it is al子請so called pre-baked anode carbon b木友lock, and is also called carbon 黑海anode for aluminum electrolys通醫is.
Anode carbon block is made o去日f petroleum coke and asphalt coke行就 as aggregate and coal 跳她asphalt as binder, which is u亮都sed as anode material for 上費pre-baked aluminum electrolytic c信舞ell. This kind of carbon遠在 block has been roasted到拿 and has stable geome花他

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